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Raising The Bar — audiobook download

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    Raising The Bar
    Creating And Nurturing Adaptability To Deal With The Changing Face Of War

    by Donald E. Vandergriff

    ? Raising The Bar · READ MORE ?

    • Publisher: Center for Defense Information Press
    • Author: Donald E. Vandergriff
    • Release date: November 28, 2006
    • ISBN: 9781932019292 (1932019294)
    • Format: paperback, 132 pages
    • Language: english

    About The Book

    Executive Summary

    “Adaptability” has become a buzzword throughout the U.S. Army due to experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq. This is the Army’s introduction to 4th generation warfare. The Army recognizes that in order to move toward becoming a “learning organization” where leaders practice adaptability, it will have to change its culture, particularly its leader development paradigm. The challenge is great, but signs are beginning to appear that it might be possible as new ideas are implemented.

    Today’s leader development paradigm evolved from one that worked to support the nation’s long-standing mobilization doctrine. Mobilization doctrine relies on a small core of full time professional soldiers, backed by large militias or National Guard forces in peacetime, to be prepared to expand rapidly in the event of a national emergency — such as war. Successful mobilization requires time and massive resources. Time is needed to get troops prepared, while resources compensate for lack of experience, professionalism and cohesion needed to fight and win a war.

    To support the mobilization doctrine, the Army developed leadership training methods that paralleled management training practices in the corporate structures of the Industrial Age. The challenge for the Army was to get millions of citizens with little or no military experience and turn them into soldiers and officers in a short time. Industry provided the answers, and in the aftermath of the glow of victory in several wars, these approaches became institutionalized.

    Some modifications were applied to leader development, but they happened along the fringes of existing laws, regulations, policies and beliefs. Army alterations to today’s leader development paradigm may not be enough. The Army has “thought” and “acted” from an antiquated, mobilization-based leader development paradigm that still exists more than 16 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. This Industrial Age model

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