Land certificate is a proof of personal ownership upon land and building. Therefore it must be kept well and be treated properly as other credentials. But, what will happen if one day the original land certificate that we possess is lost? Does it mean that our right on the land is also lost? Of course it doesn’t mean that. Because in fact, the original land certificate that we possess is the duplicate of a datum which is taken from land book and it is kept in the local Land Office where the land is located. Hence if the certificate is lost, we can submit a proposal to the Land Office to issue “the substitute certificate” or ordinarily is called as “the second certificate”.
What are the requirements to propose issue of the second certificate?
The owner of the certificate proposes issue of certificate replacement, by attaching:
1. Letter of report on the certificate lost to the local police.
To submit report of loss, the proposer has to bring:
a. Copy of the lost certificate.
b. Written statement from local head village explaining that the land certificate in fact is located at the village sub region (kelurahan).
2. Proof of lost certificate announcement in a newspaper for 2 times within 2 months
3. Proof of certificate lost in Page of News of the Republic of Indonesia / Lembaran Berita Pages of Issues of Negara Republik Indonesia for 2 times within 2 months
4. Legalized Photo copy of the proposer Identity Card.
5. Legalized Statement of Indonesian Citizen of Republic of Indonesia.
6. Proof of the latest year done payment of Land and Building Tax.
7. Aspect of land administration in case there is change of land usage.
What process will be conducted by the Land Office after the proposer complete and submit the requirements of second certificate?
To issue replacement of certificate, usually Land Office will conduct observation on location and re-measure to ensure that the condition of the land remains as stated on the land book and copy of owner certificate. Having done the measurement, process of issuing the certificate will be continued. If the whole process is normally done, it means that there is no parts claim objections or charges, then the replacement certificate will be issued within 3 (three) months after the proposal.
Even the substitute certificate can be issued to replace the lost one, it would be better that we always be careful to keep the original certificate, because it may happen that the lost certificate can induce malicious people to misuse the circumstance.